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Estate Taxation Under the Train Law and Estate Settlement

Jul 27, 2024

Process of Estate Tax Settlement

I agree with you Sir that BIR should look into the requirements they are asking from the heirs of the decedent when the latter would want to settle the estate tax. Most often than not, they cannot agree yet on how to divide so the execution of the extrajudicial settlement of estate always get delayed until such time that the heirs are now liable to pay penalties. I am sure there are ways that taxes be paid to avoid penalties pending the execution of EJS or submission of the documentary requirements. How can we make the BIR understand this predicament? Also, since I was able to assist heirs who were able to agree to settle extrajudicially, I wonder how the judicial settlement process works. I mean we can read it in the rules but most often than not, it is a bit different once filed in court. Just a suggestion of another MCLE lecture topic :) thank you.

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