
Mar 08, 2024
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador IIIKohut believed there could be unhealthy expressions of the grandiose self ‘through parental ‘rejection and overindulgence’According to Reich, “[n]arcissists’ opinions of others also dramatically shift in cycles because others are used as Read More....
Mar 01, 2024
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador IIIAccording to Wilhelm Reich narcissists ‘possess an attitude of superiority, are confident, arrogant, provocative, resenting of subordination, and are mildly sadistic in their relationships’“The term ‘narcissism’ originated from the Roman Read More....
Feb 23, 2024
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador IIIThere are also instances when even the identity of prospective clients or single consultations with a lawyer cannot be disclosedA lawyer-client relationship starts when the lawyer and client execute a written agreement stipulating the terms and condi Read More....
Sep 08, 2023
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador III If the proximate cause of the injury is the defendant, the plaintiff can recover damagesNegligence is “the conduct which creates undue risk of harm to another, the failure to observe that degree of care Read More....
Aug 11, 2023
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador III“A witness cannot be examined after the conclusion of direct, cross, re-direct, and re-cross examinations”Every witness presented by a party in court during the presentation of evidence cannot be detained longer than the interest of justi Read More....
Aug 05, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. NOW, let me tell you why I want to write about one of the august buildings around the Padang of Singapore, a historic place and ceremonial ground in that island republic. Padang means field in Bahasa Melayu, and the building I am referring to is Read More....
Jul 08, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. THE island of Luzon is traversed by three mountain ranges. Its geological spine, the Sierra Madre Mountain Range, is a 540-kilometer stretch from Cagayan to Quezon. The Cordillera Mountain Range, measuring 320 kilometers cuts through Nueva Vizcay Read More....
Jun 10, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. WHEN you enter Butuan City in Agusan del Norte, you will be welcomed by a regally seated golden goddess. The statue, which is a 3-feet tall enlarged replica of the real "Butuan goddess," is an 18-karat gold figure supposedly found by a Manobo w Read More....
Jun 03, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. I RECENTLY released a book entitled "Juicio Final." It is a history book with paintings that would give visual life to the stories. The cover of the book shows an imposing Igorotta which was borrowed from the frontispiece of a book written Read More....
May 27, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. ON my first trip to the United States, I took a tourist bus in New York City and understood why it was described as a concrete jungle in some books I had read. In lieu of trees, there were skyscrapers, growing beside each other, casting shadows on Read More....
May 20, 2023
IN LEGAL TERMS By Saul Hofileña Jr. IT is a series of dashes, nine in all, that presents and outlines in a vague way, China's claim on the South China Sea (SCS). The nine-dash line encroached on the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf of the Philippines Read More....
May 19, 2023
By Tranquil G.S. Salvador IIIThe office of the Ombudsman is an investigative body tasked to “investigate on its own, or on complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public official, employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal, unj Read More....
May 13, 2023
IN LEGAL TERMS By Saul Hofileña Jr. BECAUSE of uncommon heat and dryness, destructive fires are commonplace. A poet once wondered whether the world would end by fire or ice, but after partaking of desire, he said, he favors those who favor fire. Conflagrations are no Read More....
May 06, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr.    FIRST, let me define what a shoal is.It is a sandbank or sandbar that makes the water around it shallow. For example, the former Engineer's Island, now the Baseco (Bataan Shipping and Engineering Company) is a sandbar. That is Read More....
Apr 29, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr  I HAVE been in trial practice for almost four decades, which means I have waited on judges for hours on end while reading tabloids until the information that they contained became stale news. This is my take on the highly controversial Arnolf Read More....
Apr 22, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr. April 22, 2023 RAPHAËL Lemkin, a Jewish Polish lawyer, was the person who coined the word genocide. It came from the Latin words genus meaning race and cide meaning kill. Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people of a Read More....
Apr 15, 2023
  By Saul Hofileña Jr.IN LEGAL TERMS THE Holy See has announced Pope Francis I's repudiation of the "Doctrine of Discovery," which many centuries ago was invoked by the monarchs of Spain and Portugal to seize lands, which previously belonged to somebody else. Accor Read More....
Apr 08, 2023
IN LEGAL TERMS By Saul Hofileña Jr.       April 8, 2023THE abolition of the tobacco monopoly by virtue of a decree dated June 25, 1880 signaled the start of a heyday for would-be Chinese tobacco manufacturers. The fact that the headquarters Read More....
Mar 24, 2023
byTranquil G.S. Salvador III March 24, 2023, 12:05 am  The office of the Ombudsman is an investigative body tasked to “investigate on its own, or on complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public official, employee, office or agency, when such act or omis Read More....
Mar 04, 2023
IN LEGAL TERMS By Saul Hofileña    A TABLEMOUNT is a mountain or volcano with a flat top or summit that is found under the sea. It is also known as a guyot (pronounced as "gee-yow"), a name derived from the Swiss American geologist, Arnold H Read More....
Mar 18, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.March 18, 2023 12:04 AM IN LEGAL TERMS EMANUEL Lasker, a philosopher and World Chess Champion, postulated a hypothetical creature called the "macheide." Lasker said that the "macheide" is a being whose senses are so sharpened by evolution and Read More....
Mar 10, 2023
By Tranquil G.S. Salvador III March 10, 2023, 12:10 am“Where the witness is permitted to use a memorandum when on the witness stand, he may be cross-examined as to the same and it may be inspected by the cross-examiner”Not all documents presented to a witness during trial Read More....
Mar 03, 2023
By Tranquil G.S. Salvador III March 3, 2023, 12:10 am“Savings from the purchase of stolen personal property may not be enough to compensate for years of imprisonment, civil liability, and cost of litigation.”Everyone wants to save money for the rainy days.Thus, buying per Read More....
Feb 25, 2023
By Saul Hofileña Jr.February 25, 2023 LAST year, Benjamin "Benhur" Abalos Jr. was appointed as secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. could not have chosen a better person for that sensitive portfolio. At ag Read More....
Feb 17, 2023
By Tranquil G.S Salvador IIIFebruary 17, 2023, 12:00 am “The maximum area for quarrying which a qualified person may hold at any one time shall be five hectares”Mining plays a vital role in the country’s economic development. It opens employment opportunities, fuels i Read More....
Feb 18, 2023
IN LEGAL TERMSBy Saul Hofileña Jr.February 18, 2023 IN 1783, the brothers Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier wowed the crowd gathered at Annonay, France with their invention. A year before, they had discovered that when heated air is collected inside a fabric Read More....
Feb 10, 2023
By: Tranquil G.S. Salvador III “The maximum area for quarrying which a qualified person may hold at any one time shall be five hectares”Mining plays a vital role in the country’s economic development. It opens employment opportunities, fuels infrastructure growth in a Read More....
Feb 06, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.Febuary 4, 2023 IN LEGAL TERMS LAST Friday, Dean Perry Pe invited me to dinner at Raffles Hotel which I gladly accepted because the guest speaker was Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo, a man Read More....
Feb 02, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.Jan 28, 2023 12:00 am IN LEGAL TERMS MONUMENTS are tributes to people who have done us great good. Historical markers are Read More....
Jan 26, 2023
by Tranquil G.S. Salvador III January 20, 2023, 12:00 am “There are limitations upon the right of ownership, which include general limitations…limitations of legal servitudes or easements, limitations by contract or will, limitations imposed by the owner himself Read More....
Jan 24, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.Jan 21, 2023A FRIEND of mine consulted me about a problem: For several months, he was consulting a "lawyer" who turned out not to be a lawyer at all. To make matters worse, he was conducting his business on the basis of the impostor's advice. I told him Read More....
Jan 16, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.Jan 14, 2023 IN LEGAL TERMS THEY used to say that cryptocurrency is the wave of the future and that your block chained account will be well protected by a system of unbreakable codes. Your money, which will be converted into cryptocurrency, w Read More....
Jan 08, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.Jan 07, 2023 12:01 am IN LEGAL TERMS YOU got me right. The Philippines is not only the richest Catholic country in Southeast Asia (because we are the only Catholic country in Southeast Asia), our navy is also the most powerful blue water navy on Read More....
Jan 06, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.DEC 24, 2022 IN LEGAL TERMS PACTA sunt servanda is a brocard which in English means "agreements must be kept." It is a maxim or rule which states that the provisions of treaties should be honored, that "every treaty in force is binding upon th Read More....
Jan 03, 2023
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.DEC 31, 2022 12:01 AM IN LEGAL TERMS LONG before the war in Ukraine, I went to a place nearest to the North Pole together with my classmate Perry Pe and a few bosom friends. The North Pole as you know is the bailiwick of Santa Claus, the kingpin Read More....
Dec 20, 2022
By Tranquil G.S. Salvador III DEC 16, 2022 12:01 AM “Since contracts have the force of law between parties, it must be complied with in good faith” A contract is a transaction involving two or more individuals whereby each becomes obligated to the other, with reci Read More....
Dec 20, 2022
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.DEC 07, 2022 12:00 AM IN LEGAL TERMS THE Pacific Ocean is 64 million square miles in size and lies between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines, and so vast is this body of water that if you relocate the seven co Read More....
Dec 05, 2022
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.DEC 03, 2022 12:01 AM IN LEGAL TERMS PRACTICALLY, the whole of Asia was once colonized by Western and European Powers. The Pacific Ocean was known as the Lago Española or the Spanish Lake until the signing of the Treaty of Paris when it bec Read More....
Dec 02, 2022
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.NOV 19, 2022 12:01 AM IN LEGAL TERMS WHETHER paid in British pounds, US dollars or Saudi riyals, a slave is still a slave. In the 21st century, human trafficking is the third most illegal activity in the world after gun smuggling and drug Read More....
Dec 01, 2022
BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR.NOV 26, 2022 12:02 AM     IN LEGAL TERMS   THE dreaded bar examinations have just ended, and for those who took it, let me reveal a thing or two about your past and present situation, and what your future will probably Read More....
Nov 02, 2022
Defenses in Libel BY SAUL HOFILEÑA JR. OCT 29, 2022 12:01 AM Second part IN my previous article, I mentioned that the crime of cyber libel is libel punishable under the Revised Penal Code. The crime becomes cyber libel if a computer or the internet or informati Read More....
Apr 09, 2022
Sierra Madre, 'The Forest,' Amnesty and PardonBy: Saul Hofileña Jr. IMMEDIATELY after taking the 1985 bar examinations, I hied up to the mountains of the Sierra Madre to wait out the bar examination results. I lived alone in a farm, used the squawking of hornbills to det Read More....
Apr 16, 2022
The Thucydides TrapBy Saul Hofileña Jr. My friend, Euston Quah, asked me to attend an important webinar. Winsemius Chair of Nanyang Technological University and fellow of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Euston is a master of understatement, and his words therefo Read More....
Mar 25, 2022
Testigo del estadoBy: Tranquil G.S. Salvador III “The purpose is to avoid letting a crime go unpunished.”When a group of people commit a crime and there are no witnesses who can positively identify them, the prosecution may apply for the discharge of one or a number of th Read More....
Apr 01, 2022
Perpetuation of testimony in heinous crimesBy: Tranquil G.S. Salvador III “There is a void in gathering the testimonies of vital witnesses immediately after the commission of heinous crimes.”I usually base my articles on existing laws and jurisprudence, but I am making an Read More....
Mar 19, 2022
Ukraine and war crimes By: Saul Hofileña Jr.In Ukraine, in a place called Zaporizhzhia, the Russians targeted a nuclear plant, which is said to be Europe's largest. Earmarking for destruction the Zaporizhzhia plant is a grave breach of the Geneva Conven Read More....
Apr 02, 2022
Mercenaries By: Saul Hofileña Jr. MERCENARIES fight for money not for freedom, not for love of country nor for anything that makes death worthwhile or magical. Mercenaries fight for nothing more than personal gain. Coming from the Latin word mercenaries, a mercenary is som Read More....